Group 3


The Summer Foundation works to influence and collaborate with governments and other partners to improve housing and living outcomes for the 40,000 Australians with disability who need access to 24/7 support.

The Summer Foundation’s policy team provides evidence-based policy expertise to inform government initiatives and advance innovative solutions in housing and living supports. 

A woman in a wheelchair smiling in her kitchen

We work closely with Summer Foundation’s research and co-design teams to ensure our work is backed by current, robust evidence and grounded in the lived experience of people with disability.

We work to influence, challenge and build capacity of the systems, policies and markets that need to change so people with disability can be in control of where, how and with whom they live. 

An icon representing a Policy document

View our policy library

Our policy resources cover a range of topics relating to housing and living for people with disability, and include policy position statements and submissions to government. View the library

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