Group 3

Co-design projects

New SDA in Regional Settings

Finding a suitable home for people with disability living in regional areas who are eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is particularly challenging. The New SDA Regional Settings project is harnessing the experiences of people with disability and the building and design sectors to co-design alternative SDA for regional settings.


Feedback on Supported Accommodation Resource

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has funded a 2-year project to create resources for NDIS participants, their supporters (personal and professional) and providers to help people raise issues, make complaints and create a culture of ongoing improvement within Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and Supported Independent Living. 

The project is being delivered in partnership with the Housing Hub.

Empowering participants: Information, assistance and connections

This project seeks to solve the problem of NDIS participants navigating housing. This continues to be a challenge for NDIS participants as information is often complex and confusing, and many participants don’t know how to take the first (or next) step in choosing where, how and with whom they live. The project is funded by the National Disability Insurance Agency’s (NDIA) second round of home and living demonstration projects.

Informed by NDIS participants, the project will result in a housing journey roadmap, tools and resources to support participants to navigate a housing journey, build awareness of their options, learn how to take action, and build confidence and capacity to progress goals. The project seeks to fill an information gap and provides participants with a trusted and complete source of information to help with their housing journey.

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