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June 2023

How to fill out the NDIS Access Request Form

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If you are working in a residential aged care facility, or a health service, you might be supporting a person with disability to submit this NDIS access request. This resource is designed to help.

June 2023

Guide to NDIS pre-planning

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Pre-planning is the process of developing a detailed plan that is individualised to the NDIS participant, prior to the planning meeting with an NDIS planner. This resource describes how to use NDIS language and descriptions for disability related supports. It includes an example of a pre-plan template that incorporates NDIS legislative requirements.

Download the pre-plan template.

June 2023

Accessing the NDIS – Providing supporting evidence

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When making an access request to the NDIS, the NDIA requires supporting evidence about the person’s disability and how it impacts their everyday life. Supporting evidence can be in the form of an Access Request Form (ARF), or a supporting evidence report. This resource provides an example of a supporting evidence report template that reflects the NDIS legislative requirements.

May 2023

Getting the language right

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How to write effective support documentation for people with disabilities and complex health and support needs seeking access to the NDIS.