Group 3

Summer Foundation Focus – September 2024

Welcome to our September newsletter.

It’s a busy and exciting time for the Summer Foundation as we refocus our work on designing better housing and living solutions for Australians with disability who need access to 24/7 support.  

The Summer Foundation wants to set a new standard in housing and living supports that lifts expectations of what a good life and future look like for the more than 40,000 people with disability with high support needs. Young people in residential aged care will always be important to us, and are part of this group of people. 

You can read more about this here and we are looking forward to sharing more details about our new focus at the Summer Foundation Annual Public Forum on 17 October. 

The panel of housing and living experts for the Forum has been locked in. They will delve into the topic Fulfilling the NDIS promise in housing and living: Innovation starts today (read more here). We have almost 800 people registered to attend the Forum so far. It’s not too late to book your ticket for the hybrid online and in-person event here.

It is also a significant time of change for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) with the retirement of the Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten, and the passing of the NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track) Bill 2024

We pay tribute to Minister Shorten’s work in the creation of the NDIS and his dedication to improving the lives of people with disability. 

Read details about the legislative changes here and listen to Dr George’s Reasonable & Necessary podcasts discussing the issue.

I hope to see you at the Annual Public Forum at this pivotal time for our organisation and the disability sector.

Di Winkler CEO and Founder

View all articles in this issue

NDIS Amendment Bill is now law

The NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track) Bill 2024 was passed by Parliament on 22 August 2024. The Bill has received Royal Assent and will come into effect on 3 October 2024.
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Rallying for accessible housing

More than 40 people with disability and supporters rallied outside the NSW Parliament on 6 August calling on state leaders to end housing discrimination in NSW.
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