Group 3

Discharge planning toolkit

Resources for connecting people to the NDIS and finding a suitable place to live

The Summer Foundation has worked closely with hospital discharge staff, people with disability and families to understand the issues around accessing comprehensive disability support.

This toolkit provides targeted information for hospital discharge staff, and staff in acute and rehabilitation hospital settings, relating to the discharge of people aged under 65 years who have acquired a disability.

The toolkit includes the following features:

  • Resources for team members working with younger people with disability and complex support needs
  • Resources to pass on to people with disability and their families, to inform decision making, improve discharge outcomes and facilitate greater access to the community
  • Resources in a range of formats, including checklists, fact sheets, templates, hints and tips, video stories and quick links
  • Separate sections that reflect the different stages of a resident’s connection to the NDIS and beyond

Disability Sector and NDIS Overview

For patients

For patients

Click on the links to download the fact sheets

Resource Key NDIS roles and how they can support you Download
Resource Guardians and administrators: What can they do and who decides if I need one? ⬇Download
Resource Moving in to residential aged care? Here’s how the NDIS can support you ⬇Download
For staff

For staff

Click on the links to download the fact sheets

Resource Getting the language right: A guide to writing for the NDIS ⬇Download

You can view all videos by clicking on the playlist menu (1/8) in the top right hand corner of this video.

NDIS Access

For patients

How to fill out the NDIS Access Request Form

Case study: Financial considerations for people with acquired disability

Financial considerations of moving in to residential aged care

For staff

The NDIS: A new landscape for people who acquire a disability

Hospital discharge – Making sense of a new world

Hospital discharge – Looking to the future 

Goal Setting and Planning

For patients

Support coordinators: Who are they and how can they support me?

For staff

Hospital discharge – Where will I live 

Hospital discharge – NDIS Planning

Individual people need individual responses

Holding out hope

Chris’ experiences with the health system

Achieving goals – from hospital to home

I’m a person before a disability – Karen’s story

An NDIS journey 

NDIS Plan Implementation

For staff

Hospital discharge – Implementing the plan

Matthew’s story

Life after discharge – from hospital to home 

Making the most of this toolkit:

  • The NDIS is currently evolving, and so is the broader disability services landscape. As such, the information in this toolkit is likely to change. For the latest resources, check back on this website, or sign up to our mailing list to make sure you receive the most up-to-date information as soon as it’s available.
  • The term ‘participant’ is used by the NDIS to refer to an individual who is currently registered to access the NDIS. In the residential aged care setting, these individuals are commonly described as ‘residents’. Where the resources in this toolkit refer to a ‘participant’, they refer to a resident of your facility who is already registered with the NDIS, or is likely to be eligible to access the NDIS.
  • The ‘hints and tips’ provided in the resources are based on our own experiences of working with people with disability who have high and complex support needs. There is no effective one-size-fits-all approach to supporting people with disability. All advice should be considered in context of the individual, their goals, and their financial and social circumstances.
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