Group 3

Independent evaluation of shared support facilitation model

Many individuals receiving NDIS housing and living supports experience little or no control over where they live, who they live with, and who supports them. There has been limited innovation in housing and support models, and NDIS participants are not sufficiently supported to explore the options that are available.

Responding to these issues, Enliven Housing, a for-profit Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) provider, developed Enliven Community for its apartments. This model features an independent facilitator coordinating residents’ directions to housing and support providers. The Summer Foundation is conducting an independent evaluation of the pilot project to launch Enliven Community in 8 sites across Australia.

What is this project about?

This project aims to evaluate Enliven Community’s model in achieving good resident outcomes, including the impact on participants’ sense of choice and control. The evaluation focuses on understanding participants’ experiences of the pilot project, tracking changes over time, and identifying successes and areas for improvement. Resident and facilitator insights will inform adjustments to the model.

Why is this project needed?

Traditional shared support models (e.g. SDA, group homes) give residents little choice in support delivery. Existing models often intertwine tenancy and support services, leading to conflicts of interest. This disempowers residents. A new model is needed to provide greater autonomy, especially for the 28,000 eligible NDIS participants seeking housing support.


The evaluation project began in July 2023 and is to be completed by October 2024.
A number of progress reports will be completed during the evaluation, with a final report at the conclusion of the project in September – October 2024.