Group 3

I want to support someone to navigate the NDIS

Are you supporting a person with disability to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), get the right supports or to find suitable housing?

Click on the options below to access resources to help you through the process.

1. Overview of the NDIS

The NDIS is the way the Australian Government provides funding to people with disability to meet their individual needs. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the agency that runs the NDIS. 

When a person becomes a ‘participant’ of the NDIS, they are allocated an individual package of funding based on their needs. This gives the person control over which providers and services they choose to support them.

Here is information about what type of disability related supports the NDIS can fund

When a person asks for access to the NDIS the NDIA considers the NDIS Act and applies the Reasonable and Necessary criteria.  

The COAG Principles set out the responsibility of the NDIS and other service systems.

2. Supporting someone to access the NDIS

After checking the eligibility criteria, you need to: 

1. Complete an Access Request Form (ARF) OR make a Verbal Access Request (VAR)

2. Provide evidence about the person’s disability

An access request to the NDIS requires supporting evidence about the person’s disability and how it impacts their everyday life. The NDIA outlines which evidence can assist it to make a decision about eligibility for the NDIS including reference to the person’s disability and level of impairment. The person will need assistance from professionals, such as their doctor and occupational therapist to apply.

Our guide on ‘Accessing the NDIS – Providing Support Evidence’ and supporting template gives you an example of a supporting evidence template that reflects NDIS legislative requirements.

It’s important to learn about how you can write effectively for the NDIS for access and planning. Use our ‘Getting the language right’ to assist with this.

Help applying to NDIS – Local Area Coordinators

NDIS Local Area Coordinators are funded to assist people to enter the scheme. 

It may be useful to reach out to the LAC partner if you require support to access the NDIS. 

You can find a local LAC partner on NDIS website here 

The NDIS Act and Participant Service Guarantee outline timeframes that can be expected from NDIA.

3. Supporting someone to get the right supports

Guide to NDIS pre-planning
Describes how to use NDIS language and descriptions for disability related supports. Gives an example of a pre-plan template that incorporates NDIS legislative requirements.

Sample transition NDIS plan
A transition NDIS plan aims to facilitate a successful and timely discharge from hospital for NDIS participants.

Collaborative Support Approach for Young People in RAC

Outlines the cooperation between stakeholders, working together to assist a younger person leave aged care and details the “who does what”.

Collaborative Discharge Approach Overview
Outlines how health can work with support coordinators to achieve a collaborative discharge and includes links to resources that align with specific actions.

Housing Needs and Preferences to Support Discharge

For health professionals to support a person with disability to describe the housing and support they want and need so that they can be discharged to suitable housing.

How to write a housing plan guide and template

The purpose of a housing plan is to provide the NDIA with evidence that the person you’re working with requires SDA to reach their goals, maximise their independence, and social and economic participation.

Participant’s housing statement template

The Participant Housing Statement Template is a resource to help support coordinators and allied health professionals prepare an NDIS participant housing statement. The purpose is to help ensure that the NDIA provides people with funding that reflects their preferred housing option.

4. Supporting someone to find appropriate housing

The Housing Hub


The Housing Hub is an online community of people with disability and housing providers working together to create accessible housing options. Housing seekers can search vacancies and create their own profiles so the Housing Hub can help find the right property.

The NDIS Housing Advice Line for housing seekers, their families and supporters is available for all questions about SDA and other housing options under the NDIS. You can contact the NDIS Housing Advice Line on 1300 61 64 63.

SDA Process

SDA Eligibility Criteria Flowchart

Housing Options Learning Package 

Occupational Therapists Resources

Support Coordinator Resources

housing hub training logo

Housing Hub now offers training and resources for supporters of people with disability.

Discharge planning from hospital to home

Donna King, an occupational therapist, says early contact is key to a good discharge plan.

Life after discharge – from hospital to home

Donna discusses the importance of communication after discharge and establishing community links.

Support coordination: Exploring housing options

Linda Rossow, support coordinator, talks about the process she works through with participants who want to find somewhere different to live.

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