Group 3

Housing options for people with disability

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is providing new housing options for people with disability to have more choice and control about where and how they want to live.

To make choices about what you want in a home, you need information about what options could be available to you. 

Getting started – your housing options

The Summer Foundation’s My Housing Preferences can help you with housing options for people with disability. The resource will help you think about where you want to live, who you would like to live with and the type of housing that you would like to live in. It can help you tell your housing story and work out your housing goals.

housing options with the NDIS

Funding support

The NDIS can provide capacity building funding for participants who need support to search for suitable housing. If you’re not happy with where you live, it’s important that you talk about this at your NDIS planning meeting and ensure that searching for suitable housing is one of your goals in your NDIS plan. For more, see our Looking for Somewhere to Live guide.

For people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs, the NDIS may fund Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) payments.

Housing Hub

Deciding you want to move is one thing, finding housing that meets your needs is another.

The Housing Hub is a website to help connect people with disability to suitable housing.

Housing providers from anywhere in Australia can list their properties on the Housing Hub. Listings include existing SDA properties, new SDA builds, non-SDA supported accommodation, private rental and properties for sale.

The Housing Hub also hosts a library of useful SDA resources and information for housing seekers and housing providers.

The Housing hub can help with your housing options
NDIS Housing Advice line 1300 61 64 63
A person discussing housing options with a person with disability

Housing Hub now offers training and resources for NDIS professionals assisting people with complex support needs. The training includes workshops on the NDIS and mainstream housing options, supporting someone to leave aged care, and the evidence required for an SDA application.

Linda – SDA advice

Linda explains clearly the steps involved when looking for SDA. She highlights the impact on her son, Trevor, and herself since he moved into an SDA apartment.

Where can I live?

If you have a disability, finding somewhere to live that suits you can be hard. The first step to finding the right place is to have a good think about what you want and need.

Living Independently – Trevor

Linda, Trevor’s Mum, shares how Trevor’s life has changed since he chose to live independently with support in an SDA apartment.

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