Group 3

For SDA housing providers

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is housing that has been specially designed for people who are unable to live in mainstream housing due to their extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.

It is estimated that $700 million a year will eventually be spent on SDA payments as part of the NDIS. SDA payments, which are paid directly to the housing provider, are designed to stimulate a market in specialist disability housing.

Find out more about SDA in the resources listed below.

About SDA

This resource provides an overview of housing options, including Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The role of SDA is explained along with how SDA payments, provided in an individual participant’s plan, flow through to a registered provider of SDA housing.
View the resource

FAQs for SDA providers

The Housing Hub has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions to provide information for SDA providers.
View the FAQs

SDA Supply in Australia

For the SDA market to prosper, housing developers and investors must have confidence in what to build, and where to build it.
You can find out more in these reports

Welcome Home – compliance training

Welcome Home is a package of compliance education resources for registered providers of Specialist Disability Accommodation. 

The package includes training modules, management tools and audio-visual resources. They are designed to help tenancy management staff, Board and executive team members understand their service obligations under the SDA Practice Standards and explore a rights-based approach to service delivery.

Chris’ story – everything’s changed

Chris shares his journey from hospital to his new home and the value of having good support around you.

Shanais on living independently

Shanais describes how life changing it is to be living independently in an accessible apartment in Melbourne.

Carol & Kevin support their daughter through her SDA journey

Kirby had to move home to live with her parents after her injury. It was always Kirby’s dream to return to independent living. Carol and Kevin share their journey of supporting Kirby through the SDA process.

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