Group 3

Feedback and complaints

Your feedback matters

At the Summer Foundation, your feedback is vital in helping us improve our services. Whether you have a positive experience to share or a complaint to make, we want to hear from you. Your voice helps us enhance our services and ensures we meet your needs effectively.

Your rights

When you provide feedback or make a complaint, you have several important rights. You have a right to:

  • Tell us how you want to work with us to deal with your complaint. This includes who works with you and how we communicate with you
  • Make a complaint anonymously
  • Involve any support person or an independent advocate of your choice in the complaints process
  • Get a quick response to your complaint
  • Be kept informed about how we are responding to your complaint
  • Be taken seriously and treated with respect
  • Feel safe about making a complaint

How to provide feedback or make a complaint

We offer several ways for you to share your feedback or make a complaint:

1. Talk to us directly

Feel free to speak with a member of our Information Service or Co-design team. You can have a confidential discussion either in person or over the phone.
Phone: 1300 626 560

2. Online feedback form

Complete our Complaints and Feedback Form available at the end of this page. We will respond using your preferred method within 2 working days.

3. Email us

You can send your feedback or complaint to us via email. If you wish for us to contact you, please include your name and contact details.
Email: incident@summerfoundation.org.au

4. Mail

You can send a letter or the completed Complaints and Feedback Form to us at: 

PO Box 108, Box Hill, Victoria, 3128.

Support during the complaints process

If you need assistance making a complaint, you can involve someone you trust, such as a family member, carer, or independent advocate. We can also help connect you with an advocacy service if needed.

Escalating your complaint

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can escalate it within the Summer Foundation. Options for escalation include:

  • Executive team member
  • CEO
  • A Board or Risk and Finance Committee member
  • Chair of the Risk and Finance Committee
  • Chair of the Board

You can also escalate the matter externally:

  • Advocacy service: We can provide information on available services.
  • NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission:

Closing the loop

Once we have resolved your complaint, we will inform you of the outcome. We are committed to transparency and will ensure that you know how your feedback has contributed to improvements in our services.

Complaints and Feedback form

  • Your details:

    If you would like to be contacted by our team about your feedback, please leave your details here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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