Group 3

Deep dive into the NDIS

In his first interview with Dr George Taleporos since becoming the NDIS Minister, Bill Shorten has promised to fast track decisions, sack the lawyers and put people with disability in charge.

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Building ministers from around Australia came together in August and adopted changes to the National Construction Code that will require all new homes to be built to new mandatory accessibility standards.

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We know there are around 1,430 people with disability stuck in hospitals around Australia who no longer have a medical need to be there. These people wait an average of 160 days to be discharged from hospital and to resume their lives.

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UpSkill was launched by the Summer Foundation in September 2018 to build the capacity of support coordinators and ensure young people living in aged care, or at risk of entering the aged care system, have access to highly skilled support coordination. 

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The research partnership between the Summer Foundation and La Trobe University’s Living with Disability Research Centre continued throughout 2021/22. The partnership uses research to improve the lives of people with disability and understand the issue of young people in aged care and the associated systems and pathways.

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“They treat you like a person, they ask you what you want.” 

That is what quality paid disability support looks like according to new research by the Summer Foundation and La Trobe University.

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We are investigating the role of support coordinators and how they can effectively assist people with disability and complex needs. 

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The Conversation – Megan Topping & Jacinta Douglas

When the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was established almost a decade ago, it was envisaged people with disability would be empowered consumers. It was hoped their customer insights would shape new services designed to meet their specific needs and preferences.

Source: 7.30 Report (ABC) – Lauren Day & Laura Kewley

We’ve all heard about the shortage of hospital beds across the country but in fact, there are hundreds that could be available if they weren’t being used by patients who are technically well enough to go home but can’t.

Around 1,500 Australians with disabilities are waiting to be discharged from hospital but they can’t because of NDIS delays.


In the latest episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Dr George Taleporos speaks to new NDIS Minister Bill Shorten . He discusses what he’s learned about the NDIS since taking over, and what he’s going to do to rebuild it now that he’s in charge.Minister Shorten has promised to fast track decisions, get people out of hospital, get rid of the lawyers and put people with disabilities in charge, in this in-depth interview. 

Source: The Conversation – Di Winkler

Eighteen months ago, a Melbourne woman named Leila had a stroke and went to a local hospital. After medical support over a few weeks, Leila was ready to be discharged from the hospital, but required some specialist support due to her disability.

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Source: The Conversation – Kate D’Cruz & Mark Brown

It is nearing ten years since the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was legislated in the dying days of the Gillard government. Not only was there bipartisan support for the NDIS, the reform came about on the back of a grassroots campaign from the disability community.

In the past 3 months, the Summer Foundation has led an alliance of more than 130 organisations across the disability, health and housing sectors in calling for faster and more accurate decisions on housing for NDIS participants.

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The Summer Foundation and People with Disability Australia (PWDA) are researching the NDIS experiences of people with disability, their families and close supporters. The survey results will be presented to Minister Shorten, the NDIA and the government to address the current challenges.

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The Down to 10 days campaign used a range of media and social media platforms to create awareness of the campaign and highlight stories of lived experience and the impact of delayed NDIA decisions.

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A new report shines a light on the increasing number of hurdles being put in front of NDIS participants in order for them to receive housing support. 

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The Summer Foundation has appointed a new chairman of its Board.

Chris Leptos AO brings a wealth of corporate and government experience to the role. His experience
in the housing sector combined with his work advising state and federal governments provide him with perfect qualifications to be Chairman of our Board.

He is an experienced company director and is Chairman of the National Heart Foundation, a Non-Executive Director of IDP Education Limited, and Senior Adviser to Flagstaff Partners.

Chris has a strong interest in social impact and systems change, and shares our fundamental belief that young people in aged care is a solvable issue.

In 2000 Chris was honoured as a Member of the Order of Australia for services to business and the community, and in 2022 was honoured as an Officer of the Order of Australia for services to the not for profit sector.

We welcome Chris and convey our sincere thanks to outgoing Chairman Paul Conroy who has supported the work of the organisation for more than a decade.

In his time as Chairman Paul guided the Board through an extensive renewal program and significantly increased the lived experience of disability among Directors. Paul concludes his responsibilities with the Board at the end of June.

The Collaborative Support Approach Tool outlines the cooperation between support coordinators, aged care staff, allied health professionals and other stakeholders working together to assist a younger person to leave aged care.

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What would you like to share with readers about yourself?

My name is Connor, I am 19 years old and moving into an SDA apartment soon. My disability is Friederichs Ataxia. I have dog named Gus who is 8 months and hoping to move in with me if he behaves.

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As part of the Summer Foundation-La Trobe University Research Programme, in recent months we have published several journal articles and reports, and presented at academic conferences. 

We’ve been looking at issues such as hospital discharge, accessible housing regulations, NDIA decision-making, support coordination, and the impact of living in SDA. 

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Source: The Guardian – Luke Henriques-Gomes | Photo: Christopher Hopkins

A Melbourne woman with cerebral palsy is fighting to stay in her home just a year after moving in because the agency running the national disability insurance scheme has decided her funding is no longer “value for money”.

Source: The Guardian – Luke Henriques-Gomes | Photo: Christopher Hopkins

Government data shows 1,140 participants are stuck in hospital waiting for housing funding or other support before they can be released.

Source: The Age – Jewel Topsfield | Photo: Joe Armao

The state government has revealed that more than 200 Victorians with a disability were stuck in hospital for an average of 160 days after they were well enough to be discharged, and blamed the hold-up on the National Disability Insurance Scheme.