Group 3


During February, March, April and May, staff at the Summer Foundation have been supporting people to tell their stories to the Aged Care Royal Commission.

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More than 300 people attended our Connecting NSW events in Sydney, Dubbo, Wagga, Penrith and Tweed Heads during April.

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In Victoria, regulation of specialist disability accommodation (SDA) will soon become part of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997.

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In April, the Summer Foundation ran Connecting NSW, a series of events across NSW to bring together housing providers and people with a disability looking for new housing options.

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When Karen (not her real name) came to one of our Royal Commission workshops she had no idea of the possibilities that were about to open up to her.

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In a ground-breaking initiative, we are launching a program in July to train people working in the disability sector in how to support people with cognitive and communication impairments to create training videos for their support workers.

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A new Summer Foundation initiative will help Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) providers understand their obligations in delivering high quality services to NDIS participants.

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The Summer Foundation continues to be concerned about the high numbers of people with disability who remain in hospital long after their medical or clinical needs have been addressed.

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With our continued strategic focus on the health sector, we are pleased to announce that Adam Horsburgh and Professor Andrew Way have joined the Summer Foundation Board.

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Carers Victoria has produced two new resources to help people navigate the NDIS.

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An initiative announced today will help Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) providers understand their obligations in delivering high quality services to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants.

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Summer Foundation founder, Dr Di Winkler has been appointed as a Member (AM) of the Order of Australia (General Division), for significant service to people with a disability.

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Source: News.com.au | Author: Marissa Georgopoulos

Young people with disabilities in western Sydney are being offered a rare chance to live independently in a new apartment, rather than in an aged care facility or group home.

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/accessible-units-up-for-rent-in-western-sydney/news-story/66d6b532373970b3d49cff086bfad4b7″][/button]
[button icon=”fa-share” text=”share ” link=”https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/accessible-units-up-for-rent-in-western-sydney/news-story/66d6b532373970b3d49cff086bfad4b7″][/button]

[lead]We are pleased to announce two new appointments to the Summer Foundation Board.[/lead]

With a continued strategic focus on the health sector, the Summer Foundation is pleased that Adam Horsburgh and Professor Andrew Way are joining our Board.

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Source: Pro Bono Australia | Author: Luke Michael

Disability groups have welcomed the federal government’s $528 million pledge for the disability royal commission but say a multi-billion dollar underspend of National Disability Insurance Scheme funds in the budget is a “national disgrace”.

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://probonoaustralia.com.au/news/2019/04/advocates-ask-why-are-ndis-funds-not-being-used-to-fix-the-scheme/”][/button]
[button icon=”fa-share” text=”share ” link=”https://probonoaustralia.com.au/news/2019/04/advocates-ask-why-are-ndis-funds-not-being-used-to-fix-the-scheme/”][/button]

[lead]Last Friday (22 March 2019), the Summer Foundation partnered with Youngcare to host the 2019 Get Building SDA National Conference. The conference was attended by more than 400 people, all keen to hear the latest news and insights into Specialist Disability Accommodation.[/lead]

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Source: Australian Ageing Agenda | Author: Judy Skatssoon

At the end of last week the Federal Minister for Social Services Paul Fletcher announced a new government action plan to get young people out of aged care.

So what is in the plan, what does it have to do with the NDIS – and what will it mean for young people currently trapped in facilities around the country?

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.australianageingagenda.com.au/2019/03/27/govt-pledges-to-get-under-45s-out-of-aged-care-by-2022/”][/button]
[button icon=”fa-share” text=”share ” link=”https://www.australianageingagenda.com.au/2019/03/27/govt-pledges-to-get-under-45s-out-of-aged-care-by-2022/”][/button]

[lead]Last Friday (22 March 2019), the Australian Government announced a commitment to halving the number of younger people with disability entering residential aged care within 5 years. This is a significant announcement for the 50 younger Australians who are currently moving permanently into aged care every week.[/lead]

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Source: Disability Support Guide | Author: Nicole Pope

A new national action plan unveiled last week will aim to halve the number of young people with disability entering residential aged care within six years.

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.disabilitysupportguide.com.au/talking-disability/action-plan-moving-young-people-with-disability-out-of-aged-care”][/button]
[button icon=”fa-share” text=”share ” link=”https://www.disabilitysupportguide.com.au/talking-disability/action-plan-moving-young-people-with-disability-out-of-aged-care”][/button]

Source: Every Australian Counts | Author: George Taleporos

At the end of last week the Federal Minister for Social Services Paul Fletcher announced a new government action plan to get young people out of aged care.

So what is in the plan, what does it have to do with the NDIS – and what will it mean for young people currently trapped in facilities around the country?

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.everyaustraliancounts.com.au/opinion/are-we-getting-action-or-just-more-talk/”][/button]
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Source: ABC News Sunday  |  Reporter: Jane Norman

In the space of two short years, Kirby Littley went from being a young teacher with the world at her feet, to a patient in an aged care home, barely able to speak.

Watch the ABC News Sunday video or read the online article.

[button icon= “fa-play” text=”Watch Video ” link=”https://youtu.be/mWPpwE637YE”][/button]
[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-24/the-young-people-forced-to-live-in-aged-care-homes/10932856″][/button]
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Source: Australian Financial Review | Author: Michael Bleby

Two separate reports, one by the Summer Foundation and Social Ventures Australia, and another by Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), into the sector forecast to become a $5 billion housing asset class show that while the unmet need is large, it still suffers from a lack of local market information that impedes investment and certainty about revenue flows.

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.afr.com/real-estate/commercial/development/great-opportunity-and-uncertainty-over-emerging-sda-housing-sector-20190321-p5168m”][/button]
[button icon=”fa-share” text=”share ” link=”https://www.afr.com/real-estate/commercial/development/great-opportunity-and-uncertainty-over-emerging-sda-housing-sector-20190321-p5168m”][/button]

[button icon=”fa-file-text-o” text=”View PDF ” link=”https://summerfoundation.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/AFR-Great_opportunity_-_and_uncertainty_-_over_emerging_SDA_housing_sector-2.pdf”][/button]

Source: Geelong Advertiser | Author: Lanai Scarr and Andrew Jefferson

ALL Australians such as Kirby Littley in nursing homes under the age of 45 — and who are desperate to get out — will be moved into age appropriate accommodation within three years under a major action plan to be unveiled by the Federal Government today.

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online” link=”https://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/news/geelong/ndis-specialist-accommodation-to-be-prioritised-for-under45s-in-aged-care-in-federal-government-plan/news-story/1c491f1f21a9fae6252145b9d02819de”][/button]
[button icon=”fa-share” text=”share ” link=”https://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/news/geelong/ndis-specialist-accommodation-to-be-prioritised-for-under45s-in-aged-care-in-federal-government-plan/news-story/1c491f1f21a9fae6252145b9d02819de”][/button]
[button icon=”fa-file-text-o” text=”View PDF ” link=”https://summerfoundation.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/NDIS-specialist-accommodation-to-be-prioritised-for-under-45s-in-aged-care-in-Federal-Government-plan-Geelong-Advertiser-2.pdf”][/button]

Early last month The Hon Paul Fletcher, Minister for Families and Social Services, and The Hon Sarah Henderson, Assistant Minister for Social Services, Housing and Disability Services announced immediate reforms to SDA.

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As part of the Summer Foundation’s Hospital Discharge Flagship project, we have piloted new collaborative working arrangements between hospitals and the NDIS, using funding provided through the William Buckland Foundation.

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