Group 3

Young stuck in aged care in rural areas

Source: The Advocate  |  Reporter: Megan Neil

Senior counsel assisting the commission Peter Rozen QC has questioned whether a federal government action plan to reduce the number of younger Australians in aged care will work.

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Source: 9 News  | Reporter: AAP

Lisa Corcoran desperately wants to be able to hug her children again – and to get the hell out of a nursing home.

The 43-year-old hates being stuck in a residential aged care facility, where she has lived for the last six years.

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Source: Illawarra Mercury  | Reporter: Megan Neil

Younger people are stuck living “a prison sentence” in nursing homes because the federal and state governments have failed to adequately recognise their needs, a royal commission has been told.

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Source: SBS  | Reporter: Libby Callaway

“After experiencing a brain injury, and going through rehabilitation, at the age of 53 years … I had no other option but to enter a nursing home. The nursing home felt like a prison to me.”

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Source: Shepparton News  | Reporter: AAP

Lisa Corcoran shared her story with the royal commission in the hope of helping other young people in residential aged care.

She wants to live the life she wants, but feels her rights have been taken away.

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Source: The Conversation  | Reporter: Libby Callaway & Sue Sloan | Photo: Heiko Kueverling

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety turns its attention this week to hearings focused on younger people with disabilities living in residential aged care facilities.

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Source: Brisbane Times  |  Reporter: Bronwyn Morkham

It is hard to live your life surrounded by death. That is the confronting challenge facing around 6,000 young people with disabilities who are in Australian nursing homes.

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Source: 7 News  | Reporter: Megan Neil | Photo: AAP

Younger people should not be forced into a “brutal and wasted life” in nursing homes because they have nowhere else to go, a royal commission has been told.

Advocates say long-overdue systemic changes are needed to address the problem of people aged under-65 with complex disability support needs who end up in residential aged care.

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Source: 9 News  | Reporter: AAP

James Nutt, 35, views his years in a nursing home as a “sentence”.

A number of younger people who are living, or have lived, in residential aged care will tell the royal commission about their experiences during a hearing in Melbourne next week.

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Source: Planning News Volume 45 No.8  |  Reporter: Grant Meyer

In an effort to keep young people with disabilities out of aged care facilities, the Summer Foundation has recently launched the prototype of a new type of portable house.

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[lead]The Summer Foundation has lodged its submission to the Aged Care Royal Commission.[/lead]

The submission identifies the key policy and systemic changes needed to stop young people being forced into aged care. It covers what needs to change and how it can happen.

Our 12 recommendations are based on our extensive work with young people in aged care and with providers in the health and aged care sectors.

The people whose stories we used to illustrate the realities of living in aged care were selected from 95 young people who participated in one-on-one conversations with us.

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Find out more about the Royal Commission into Aged Care >


Source: The Wimmera Mail-Times  | Reporter: Sonia Singha

Horsham’s Oscar Building has helped develop a prototype for portable housing for young people with disabilities.

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Source: Riot ACT! | Reporter: Rebecca Vassarotti

We tend to hear a lot about concerns including how to attract more people to the disability industry, how to ensure ongoing quality and how to support job satisfaction for people working in this sector. It’s less common to hear about the possible solutions.

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://the-riotact.com/from-crisis-to-opportunity-local-disability-sector-steps-up-to-support-disability-workforce”][/button]

Source: Freedom2Live | Reporter: Kimberly Martin

The Rapid Interim Housing prototype demonstrates what affordable, relocatable, prefabricated and accessible accommodation for people with a newly acquired or rapidly progressing disability can be like.

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Source: 97.3 Coast Live | Reporter: Hannah Salt

The Federal Government today announced new grants for West Australians with disabilities to enable the growth of the National Disability Insurance Scheme workforce. 

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Source: Geelong Advertiser | Reporter: Tamara McDonald

The Rapid Interim Housing prototype, developed by the Summer Foundation, is a relocatable modular housing unit, designed to be highly accessible to cater for people with disability.

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Source: Disability Services Consulting  | Presenters: Roland and Evie Naufal

Catch our much anticipated episode with Luke Bo’sher the CEO of Summer Foundation (and a founding member of DSC), as he gives an insider perspective on the design era of the NDIS and how he stays a true believer.

[button icon=”fa-microphone” text=”Listen” link=”https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/luke-bosher-on-being-an-ndis-true-believer/id1440454517?i=1000445811047″][/button]

[button icon= text=”Read transcript ” link=”https://summerfoundation.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/DisabilityDoneDifferent-Episode11Transcript-2.pdf”][/button]

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Source: Social Ventures Australia | Reporter: Rebecca Thomas

How can improvements to the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) landscape be made to deliver high quality housing options for people with disability?

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.socialventures.com.au/sva-quarterly/where-to-next-for-specialist-housing-accommodation-sda/”][/button]

Source: SBS News | Reporter: Abby Dinham

In a bid to keep young people with disabilities out of aged care facilities, an organisation in Melbourne has launched a new type of portable house.

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.sbs.com.au/news/new-portable-homes-billed-as-a-game-changer-for-people-with-disabilities”][/button]

Source: Hello Care | Author: Jakob Neeland

Sitting in attendance at a Royal Commission Community Forum can be an extremely confronting experience, but amongst all the heartbreaking personal accounts of abuse and neglect of elderly people, the one story that affected me the most didn’t actually involve an elderly person at all.

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://hellocaremail.com.au/young-people-disabilities-not-living-aged-care-homes/”][/button]

[lead]People with disability in hospital and aged care now able to move home with support from the NDIS.[/lead]

The Summer Foundation welcomes the decisions made on Friday by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Disability Reform Council for the NDIS to fund a range of disability-related health supports.

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It has been a very busy few months for the Summer Foundation and there is a lot happening in the world of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).

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Welcome to our winter update. The start of the new financial year sees a refocusing of the work the Summer Foundation is doing to keep young people out of aged care.

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At the end of March, in partnership with Youngcare, we hosted the inaugural Get Building SDA National Conference in Melbourne. The lineup of impressive speakers and storytellers generously shared their knowledge and expertise, which provided a rich and informative day for more than 400 attendees.

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The Summer Foundation has worked with Oscar Building and Stretchy Tech to develop a self-contained, relocatable unit that can be rapidly installed and moved from location to location to provide housing for people who require short-term accessible housing.

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