Group 3

ROYAL COMMISSION: People not covered by NDIS aren’t eligible for YPIRAC initiative

Source: Aged Care Guide  |  Reporter: Liz Alderslade

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Source: Lakes Mail  |  Photo: David Crosling

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.lakesmail.com.au/story/6380498/mp-cites-local-case-studies-in-attack-on-aged-and-home-care-systems/”][/button]

Source: The Courier  |  Reporter: Megan Neil  |  Photo: AAP

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.thecourier.com.au/story/6378784/aged-care-is-punishment-for-the-young/”][/button]

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Source: The Age

[button icon= “fa-play” text=”Watch Video ” link=”https://www.theage.com.au/national/aged-care-forum-to-focus-on-young-people-20190909-p52pg1.html”][/button]

Source: Bendigo Advertiser  |  Reporter: Tom O’Callaghan  |  Photo: Shutterstock

“I feel like a prisoner,” he told the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety as he shared his experiences on Tuesday.

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Source: ABC News  |  Reporter: James Oaten  |  Photo: Kelly Barnes

Young people are being forced into residential aged care and forgotten due to a “gaping hole” in health care checks and balances, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Safety and Quality has heard.

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-09-10/aged-care-system-a-national-disgrace-royal-commission-hears/11496828″][/button]

Source: The Project

Harrowing testimony … as the Aged Care Royal Commission turned its attention to younger people with disabilities.

Source: SBS News  |  Reporter: Rachel Cary

The commissioner overseeing the Aged Care Royal Commission has described the number of young people in aged care as a national embarrassment at best, and a national disgrace at worst.

Source: Starts at 60  |  Reporter: Jocelyn Nickels  |  Photo: Getty

A heartbroken wife has given a harrowing account of her late husband’s time in aged care and how the facility led him down a path of depression, social isolation and physical decline.

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Source: Aged Care Insite  | Reporter: Conor Burke

Corcoran, 43, has good reason to be frustrated as she is one of the 6048 people aged under 65 living in permanent aged care.

She describes her six-year stay in aged care as a “nightmare” and says: “Up until recently, every day I felt like killing myself. I can’t move, so I can’t do this – I would have if I could.”

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.agedcareinsite.com.au/2019/09/every-day-i-felt-like-killing-myself-the-young-in-aged-care-speak-at-the-royal-commission/”][/button]

Source: Aged Care Guide  | Reporter: Liz Alderslade

At today’s Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Department of Health’s In-Home Aged Care division and Department of Social Services’ Disability and Carers division, both admitted that aged care was not a place for younger people with disability.

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Source: News GP  |  Reporter: Libby Callaway & Sue Sloan

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety turns its attention this week to hearings focused on younger people with disabilities living in residential aged care facilities (RACFs).

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Source: Probono Australia  |  Reporter: Luke Bo’sher

Ahead of giving evidence at the Aged Care Royal Commission hearings in Melbourne this week, Luke Bo’sher outlines his key arguments around why young people end up in aged care and what can be done to stop it happening.

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://probonoaustralia.com.au/news/2019/09/the-aged-care-royal-commission-is-an-opportunity-to-permanently-eliminate-the-need-for-young-people-to-enter-residential-aged-care/”][/button]

Source: HelloCare  |  Reporter: Caroline Egan

The royal commission is hearing this week from younger Australians living in residential aged care.

Lisa Corcoran, who spoke with the help of a speech pathologist, made her feelings clear.

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Source: 7 News  |  Reporter: Megan Neil

An aged care royal commissioner says the system of younger people with disabilities being stuck in nursing homes is at best a national embarrassment and at worst a national disgrace.

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://7news.com.au/politics/law-and-order/young-stuck-in-aged-care-in-rural-areas-c-444207″][/button]

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Source: Sky News  |  Reporter: Andrea Crothers

Senior Commonwealth departmental officials, from both health and social services, took the stand on Tuesday as the royal commission delved into the processes which see young people under 65 years of age with a disability ending up in residential aged care.

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Source: 9 News  |  Reporter: Megan Neil  |  Photo: AAP

“It’s truly shocking and shouldn’t be allowed to continue,” commissioner Lynelle Briggs said of the difficult and isolated lives of younger aged care residents.

The federal health department denies it has forgotten about the 6000 people aged under 65, who have a disability and are stuck in aged care facilities.

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.9news.com.au/national/many-young-people-in-aged-care-lose-hope/7e886b38-209f-4f85-9bc0-796d5d454949″][/button]

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Source: SBS News  | Reporter: Jennifer Scherer | Photo: SBS News

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.sbs.com.au/news/why-6000-younger-australians-are-living-in-aged-care”][/button]

Source: The Age  |  Reporter: Melissa Cunningham

The first younger person with a disability to give evidence to the Royal Commission into Aged Care has described her residential aged care facility as “hell”.

Liz Corcoran, 43, told the commission that younger people are stuck living “a prison sentence” in nursing homes because there is nowhere else for them to go.

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/prison-sentence-6000-young-australians-stranded-in-nursing-homes-20190909-p52pfo.html”][/button]

Source: Disability Support Guide  |  Reporter: Liz Alderslade

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety has commenced its most recent hearings, turning attention to the experiences of young people with disability living in residential aged care facilities.

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.disabilitysupportguide.com.au/talking-disability/royal-commission-hearings-shed-light-on-experiences-of-young-people-with-disability-in-aged-care”][/button]

Source: Sky News  |  Reporter: Andrea Crothers

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Source: The Guardian  | Reporter: Lisa Martin

Royal commission hears of plight of young Australians stuck in aged care.

Every day six young Australians are institutionalised in the aged care system because there is nowhere else they can go to receive the care they need.

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/sep/09/six-young-australians-a-day-forced-into-nursing-homes?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other&__twitter_impression=true”][/button]

Source: 7 News  | Reporter: Megan Neil | Photo: Getty Images

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://7news.com.au/news/court-justice/many-young-people-in-aged-care-lose-hope-c-442163″][/button]

Source: 10 News  |  Reporter: Annie Kearney

A young disabled mother forced to live in a nursing home has described having to fight to have a shower more than once a week.

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://10daily.com.au/shows/10-news-first/melbourne/v190909cbgxs/royal-commission-into-aged-care-turns-attention-to-young-people-20190909″][/button]

Source: ABC News  | Reporter: James Oaten | Photo: James Oaten

[button icon=”fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-09-09/aged-care-royal-commission-hears-young-people-hidden-in-system/11492216″][/button]