Group 3

Where to next for royal commissions? Try social issues.

Source: intheblack  |  Reporter: Jan McCallum

Australia has a long history of holding royal commissions, and they’re now being used to tackle complex social issues like aged care, domestic violence and more.

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Welcome to the new format for our Consumer & Family Carer Network update. It will bring you the latest news and information to help you navigate the ever-changing world of services and supports under the NDIS.

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Welcome to our spring update. It has been an exciting time for us with the Aged Care Royal Commission hearings in Melbourne focused on young people in aged care.

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You’re invited to the Summer Foundation’s Annual Public Forum

This year’s Summer Foundation Annual Public Forum comes at an important time. Systems must change to keep young people out of aged care. And these systems are being influenced and are changing in ways we’ve never seen before.

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Our UpSkill program to build the capacity of the support coordination workforce and allied health professionals is going from strength to strength.

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The Summer Foundation is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the Allen Martin Research Scholarship 2019, sponsored by The Rotary Club of Kew and Robinson Gill Lawyers.

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The Summer Foundation’s interaction with the Aged Care Royal Commission ramped up in September when we lodged our submission and CEO Luke Bo’sher appeared at the commission’s Melbourne hearings.

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The publication earlier this year of Kim MacIntosh’s book “Full Circle – Overcoming Disability through Faith” is just the latest in an impressive list of life goals achieved by the Summer Foundation storyteller.

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The Summer Foundation has been funded to deliver a national Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Quality and Safeguards Education Project.

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In July, the Federal Government began the rollout of a new national carer support services system through the Carer Gateway. This system will become the main way carers can access services and supports. It will not affect other supports for carers delivered through My Aged Care, the NDIS or state and territory governments.

The rollout began with new online services from July and will be followed by a rollout of direct services across regions in September. To find out more, go to the Carer Gateway website.

The Victorian Government is now providing half priced public transport for carers and free travel during National Carers Week, 13 – 19 October.

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We are making it easier for people with disability to find information on our website.

The information aims to help people access the NDIS, make changes to their NDIS plan or search for suitable housing.

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NDIS participants, their families and carers have been invited to have their say on how the NDIS can be improved.

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Source: Aged Care Guide  |  Reporter: Liz Alderslade

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety hosted a panel of industry experts who are actively attempting to address the issue of younger people with disability living in residential aged care (RAC) facilities, with the Government receiving scathing criticism about their current action plan.

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.agedcareguide.com.au/talking-aged-care/royal-commission-government-repeating-the-same-mistakes-as-in-2006″][/button]

Source: Sky News  |  Reporter: Andrea Crothers  |  Photo: Getty Images

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Source: The Australian  |  Reporter: Stephen Lunn

The Morrison government’s “Claytons action plan” for younger people in residential aged care was symptomatic of a “distinct lack of leadership” on the issue, the Aged Care Royal Commission has heard.

Counsel assisting the Commission Richard Knowles on Friday delivered a scathing assessment of efforts to address what he said was a “fundamental issue of human rights”.

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/hospital-to-nursing-home-is-default-option-for-young-with-disabilities-royal-commission-hears/news-story/2840f3c8d4147763811510a0e2fa083b”][/button]

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Source: 7 News  |  Reporter: Megan Neil

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://7news.com.au/politics/law-and-order/stop-pipeline-of-young-people-in-aged-care-c-450535″][/button]

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Source: HelloCare  |  Reporter: Caroline Egan

There is a “pipeline” of young people moving from hospital to residential aged care, and often other options are not even considered, the royal commission has heard.

Every week in Australia, on average 42 younger people enter residential aged care, the equivalent of six per day or 2,000 every year. Most are sent to aged care after being discharged from hospital.

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Source: Government News  |  Reporter: Judy Skatssoon  |  Photo: Kelly Barnes

A health department bureaucrat has been asked by a royal commissioner to explain whether the 6000 young Australians with disability who are currently in aged care facilities have been ignored and forgotten by government policy.

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Source: 9 News  |  Reporter: Megan Neil

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.9news.com.au/national/young-should-not-be-in-aged-care-inquiry/18295db8-c6ae-4e2d-aab5-b3ebc415a6b7″][/button]

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Source: The Australian  |  Reporter: Stephen Lunn  |  Photo: David Crosling

Younger people living in aged care in Australia is a “significant human rights issue” which must be brought to an end, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Ben Gauntlett says.

Appearing at the Aged Care Royal Commission on Wednesday, Dr Gauntlett said the Morrison government’s goal of merely halving the number of younger people entering aged care by 2025 revealed a “misallocation of ­resources”.

[button icon= “fa-laptop” text=”View online ” link=”https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/aged-care-for-young-people-a-human-rights-issue/news-story/fee9f9be11f7dc554634db2ff82e07af”][/button]

[button icon=”fa-file-text-o” text=”View PDF ” link=”https://summerfoundation.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/The-Australian-Aged-care-for-young-people-‘a-human-rights-issue.pdf”][/button]

Source: 7 News  | Reporter: Megan Neil | Photo: AAP

On the first night of James Nutt’s “sentence” in an aged care facility, the 21-year-old dropped his head in his hands and cried.

“I thought to myself: ‘I’m 21, I’ve got maybe 65 years left in my life and I’m forced to live here for the rest of it with no ability of ever getting out.’

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Source: SBS News  |  Reporter: Rachel Cary

THE NDIA says is confident it will be able to significantly reduce the number of people under the age of 65 living in aged care, but when questioned at the Royal Commission into Aged Care, the acting CEO admitted the agency doesn’t know how many new residences it will have to provide to make it happen.

Source: The West Australian  | Reporter: Megan Neil | Photo: AAP

James Nutt, 35, views his years in a nursing home as a “sentence”.

A number of younger people who are living, or have lived, in residential aged care will tell the royal commission about their experiences during a hearing in Melbourne next week.

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