Group 3

Specialist Disability Housing A Nursing Home Alternative

Source: Newcastle Weekly  |  Journalist: Georgia Osland

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Source: NBN News  |  Reporter: Mike Lorigan

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Source: The Conversation  |  Authors: Di Winkler & Luke Bo’sher  |  Photographer: Fred Kroh

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In March, Pam Ross (Grade 4 Senior Occupational Therapist, Driving and Vocational Rehabilitation Coordinator, Epworth Rehabilitation) delivered the first Breakfast Club Lecture of the year on Return to Driving after Traumatic Brain Injury – Processes, Outcomes and Driver Rehabilitation Interventions. The following is Pam’s summary of the lecture. If you would like to listen to the full lecture, the podcast is now available on iTunes.

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Source: Architecture and Design  |  Author: Di Winkler

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[lead]We are about to enter an exciting new phase of the project – transitioning tenants into their new homes.[/lead]

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There are only a few seats left for a workshop presented by Professor Jacinta Douglas. Professor Jacinta Douglas is the Summer Foundation Chair of Living Well with Brain Injury at La Trobe University in the Living with Disability Research Centre. The free workshop, Supporting People with Complex Needs: Decision-making and Connecting, is on Friday 26 February, and it explores the latest advanced practice knowledge to support people with complex cognitive needs, including acquired brain injury. Book now to ensure you get a seat. RSVP to Julie by Wednesday 24 February.  

The workshop focuses on an innovative framework for supporting people with complex needs to participate in decision-making, and to make social connections in their community. It is centred on the individual in their social context, and has been developed to inform day-to-day practice and to enable strategy development. This will be increasingly important to achieve the best outcomes in an NDIS environment.

Friday 26 February 2016
9:30am to 3:30pm

Newcastle Museum
6 Workshop Way
Newcastle 2300

Lunch and refreshments provided.

For more information, please contact Julie at the Summer Foundation or call 1300 626 560.

There is limited seating for this event and seats are filling fast. Registration is essential. Book now to ensure you get a seat. RSVP to Julie by Wednesday 24 February.

The design and technology incorporated into the Summer Foundation’s first inner-Melbourne Housing and Support Demonstration Project generated an enormous amount of interest. In the Hunter demonstration project, we are pleased to announce that two fully fitted out apartments will be opened as display units for six months allowing the Summer Foundation to conduct guided tours to see and experience accessible and adaptable design, along with smart home and communications technology. The tours will be of interest to building and housing industry, community housing organisations, disability service providers, families and people with disabilities, philanthropic individuals and organisations, and government agencies. To register your interest in a guided tour of the display units in the Hunter Housing Demonstration Project during 2016 please email housinginfo@summerfoundation.org.au or contact us on 1300 626 560.

In September 2015 we sought expressions of interest from support organisations wanting to collaborate in the Hunter housing and support demonstration project by providing core support services to the tenants living in the project for the initial two years of the project. This support will be provided in line with each tenant’s individual support package funding.

We were delighted with the response to the EOI. We received a large number of high quality submissions from a wide range of organisations.

After careful consideration, we are very pleased to announce that Ability Options has been selected as the support provider for the initial two-year establishment and implementation phase of the demonstration project. Ability Options has a strong presence in the Hunter NDIS trial site and supports over 300 NDIS participants. Ability Options will have a key role in the development and implementation of the support model and its refinement through participation in ongoing action research and formal evaluation.

Source: The Sunday Age  |  Reporter: Kirsten Robb  |  Photographer: Simon O’Dwyer

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Research released today further demonstrates the urgent need for action to ensure the coordinated delivery of disability and health supports to young people with complex disability who are eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The report, Considerations for National Disability Insurance Scheme Design, also highlights the urgent need for further investment in a wider range of models of housing and support for NDIS participants.

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Source: ABC News  |  Reporter: Libby Hogan  |  Photograph: Supplied

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In 2015, The Summer Foundation launched three new reports that document the lessons learnt from developing our housing demonstration projects. Through these projects we want to demonstrate how well designed, well located, affordable and adaptable housing combined with smart home technology and appropriate support can improve quality of life, increase independence and decrease lifetime care costs for young people with disability.

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#MyHomeMatters is a call for solutions to the issue of young people with disability living in nursing homes.

The Summer Foundation’s work over the past eighteen months has seen an increasing number of young people with disability and their family members lend their voices to the growing call to resolve the need for young people to live in nursing homes.

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The Summer Foundation is proud to launch its latest publication, New Housing Options For People with Significant Disability: Design Insights. The report provides insights into design based on our learnings from our housing demonstration projects in Abbotsford, Victoria and the Hunter region of NSW.

The Summer Foundation is developing a small number of innovative housing and support projects to demonstrate a new and more inclusive housing option for people with significant disability.

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Summer Foundation was invited to present information about advances in the areas of housing and technology for young people in nursing homes this week. At this conference, Rebecca Wood and I showcased housing and support models that the Summer Foundation has been developing, and discussed what we have learnt from these models.

This conference is exploring the “new world” of technologies that is quickly unfolding around us, and which promises great new opportunities for people with disabilities. These technologies include driverless cars, wheelchairs operated by thoughts only, and robots that can interpret your intentions and respond in “real time”. Some of the biggest technology companies in the world were there to discuss a future most of us haven’t even started to dream about yet.

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Young people with complex disabilities and high support needs are often moved into nursing homes direct from hospital or rehabilitation. Coordinating their health and disability supports while living in aged care frequently means people seesaw between the two systems. How can we improve this situation?

This question and more will be explored in detail by our panel of experts at this year’s annual public forum, a free public event hosted by the Summer Foundation.

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Source: Blue Mountains Gazette  |  Reporter: Jennie Curtin

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Source: The Weekly Review Greater Geelong  |  Reporter: Julia Millard

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Source: ABC Radio National  |  Reporter: Rachel Carbonell

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