Group 3

Summer Foundation Annual Public Forum 2024 host and panel announced

We are delighted to announce that Jamila Rizvi will host a panel of housing and living experts at our Annual Public Forum on 17 October.

Jamila is a best-selling author, podcast presenter and gender equality advocate. She has been named in the Australian Financial Review’s 100 Women of Influence and was a 2020 Women and Leadership Australia award winner. Jamila is an ambassador for PLAN International and the Royal Melbourne Hospital Neuroscience Foundation. After her diagnosis with a rare brain tumour Jamila is living with multiple invisible disabilities.

The theme of this year’s Annual Public Forum is Fulfilling the NDIS promise in housing and living: Innovation starts today.

Jamila will facilitate a conversation on what needs to happen in Australia to provide people with disability with greater choice and a more individualised approach to housing and living.

The panel will include:

  • Dr Sam Bennett, Disability Program Director at the Grattan Institute 
  • Jo Collins, Branch Manager, Home and Living Reform, NDIA 
  • Rod Davies, CEO, One2One 
  • Dr Mark Brown, Senior Research Fellow at the Summer Foundation
  • Michelle Newland, Lived Experience Contributor, speaker and business owner 
  • Anna Chambers, Lived Experience Contributor

Join us on Thursday 17 October for this free event. The in-person event will be held in Melbourne, with the opportunity to join us online for those who can’t attend in person. You can book here.

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